The Romanian-born Hungarian philosopher and political activist Gáspár Miklos Tamás died this last January 15th. In three posts, we celebrate his discernment, his wisdom and his ethical-political engagements, regardless of whatever differences we may have with his work.
Below, a collection of video recorded interviews, along with links to three published interviews.
For Gáspár Miklós Tamás (1948-2023)
The Romanian-born Hungarian philosopher and political activist Gáspár Miklos Tamás died this last January 15th. In three posts, we celebrate his discernment, his wisdom and his ethical-political engagements, regardless of whatever differences we may have with his work.
Below, a collection of video recorded interviews, along with links to three published interviews.
See also the published interviews in New Left Review, International Socialism Journal, and Mediations.