Revolution is everywhere: A.N.A.L. apropriations of private property

In early December of 2014, the Anonymous Nation of Anarchist Libtertarians declared their independence, in the heart of the crumbling and the nation state formerly known as, United Kingdom (8 December 2014) …

Within Love Headquarters,

On December 2, 2014 A.D.

The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, for The Anonymous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians

Upon the observations of countless recorded criminal activities,atrocities of war, along with serious breaches of the European Union and United Nations Conventions. The Anonymous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians, within their god given right, hereby declare their succeeded independence from the Nation of The United Kingdom.

The Sodomite Persons of The Anonymous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians, hereby solemnly notify all nations of this planet Earth. That we are a Sovereign and Independent nation, accountable to International Laws, and to the United Nations of Earth..

It is hereby within our power, under the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States 1934, upon meeting the criteria of the convention, we shall facilitate and provide for the sovereign indigenous people of The Anonymous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians.

We hereby declare that as an Independent Nation, within the confines of planet earth, that we have the right to self governance. Article15 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares:“Everyone has the right to a nationality. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality. We hereby notify all nations of earth that we shall be seeking council with the United Nations.

We hereby declare that we shall, as an Independent nation, begin to establish alliances with other nations of earth. This is a requirement for the safety, security and development of our nations people.

Let it be known that the Sodomites of The Anonymous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians, have fulfilled all of their legal obligations, in rendering themselves known to the world, through this declaration. The Sodomites shall be free from oppression, we shall be free from capitalism, and we shall be free to direct our own destinies, in ways which are in accordance to international law.

Our leader His Grand Excellency, Most High Supreme Overlord,King Zeus The Divine, hereby confirms this declaration to be truthful.

On behalf of the Sodomite people of the The Anonymous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians, I confirm that this document is the truthful representation of our people, by the power vested in me.

His Grand Excellency, Most High Supreme Overlord, King Zeus The Divine

… the declaration of independence would be followed, with all of the solemnity that such an occasion demands, with the writing of a consitution for the new anarchist nation (8 December 2014) …

The Constitution of the Anonymous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians

There shall be no harm committed against Innocent sentient beings within our nations borders.

  1. There shall be no loss against any person(s) within our nations borders.
  2. There shall be no fraud against any person(s) within our nations borders.
  3. There shall be no breaches of the peace within our nations borders.
  4. There shall be no Treasonous acts against The Anonymous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians as all members of our nation, are members by choice.

Each person(s) accused of breaching these laws, shall be required to attend a trial, as notified by an official representative of The Anonymous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians. Trials Must be held by a Jury of a minimum of 10 peers, adjudicated by a member of the Most High Supreme Council. Punishments for crimes against the constitution will be determined by the Jury.

Let it be known that this is the constitution of the Anonymous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians.

His Grand Excellency, Most High Supreme Overlord, King Zeus The Divine

With the sad state of those who lived under the former authorities of the once United Kingdom, the new nation, ANAL, set itself the task of righting matters through the expropriation of the homes of the rich and powerful, thereby providing housing for those condemned to the streets and creating spaces of autonomous, collective expression.  The grandees of our time would no longer sleep in peace …


London: Anarchists occupy former Directors’ Institute near Buckingham Palace

March 22nd, 2015

Horror arrives at London Evening Standard by the pen of Matt Watts, supposedly a journalist, a posh and naive pawn, for whose neoliberal minds  it is difficult to understand the meaning of gentrification and class struggle.

A group of “five stars squatters” has taken over a historic office block just yards from Buckingham Palace. Activists who have entered the former HQ of the Institute of  Directors at 123 Pall Mall today vowed to stay “as long as they can”. The six-storey, multimillion-pound office block is 700 yards from Buckingham Palace. The squatters moved in last week and have renamed it as the Instutute of Dissidents.



At least 40 squatters are hosting workshop, film screenings and soup kitchen for homeless in the “radical space”.

He said he spoke with a member of the Autonomous Nation of Anarchists and Libertarians (ANAL) and the activists.

“We are not just lefties and hippies, we are very much upmarket squatters now too” with irony.
“The building was empty so why can’t we use it? We are respecting the interior. There will be no graffiti, no drug taking”.
“We want to make an statement that buildings worth millions of pounds are standing empty in the heart of this city where people cannot afford to live and  are desperate for housing”.

The activists have used their occupation to launch an attack to the Institute of Directors, claiming it is interested “only in the needs of the rich”.

Designed by Scottish architect Alexander Peebles, and built in the 1880 with the money from the explotation of the old colonies. A boring building whose only remarkable feature is “big”. The Institute, which represents company directors, handed back the lease on the building and left it last year after an expansion at their new headquarters down road, next to the epicenter of corruption, the City.

A possible message was received from the Capitalists:

“we vacated this building  six months ago, but there is a chance there are some old Frederick Hayek or Adams Smith books left behind so they can learn how to rob as we do” .

Autonomous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians. Joint Statement.

It is well known that behind the face of a politician lies the logo of a corporation. For this reason that the Autonomous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians (A.N.A.L.) and Squatter and Homeless Autonomy (S.H.A.) have occupied 123 Pall Mall, which was formerly the Institute of Directors.

The Institute, now a few buildings down the road, functions as a lobby group for business leaders and CEO’s who wish to “exercise influence in all areas of social and economic policy”. Zero-hour contracts, lower taxes in such a way that inevitably benefits the wealthy, and the erasure of workers’ rights are at the centre of the Institutes monetarist ideology. Their website states it plainly.

The building has been renamed the Institute of Dissidents. Dissidents are squatters, rioters, grass-roots journalists, community activists. In our age of mass exploitation and state violence, dissidents are those who resist the hierarchy summarised so crudely by this building’s previous owners.

A.N.A.L and S.H.A have opened the building as a radical space used to network anti-capitalist groups and individuals. In particular, we will host Know Your Rights, internet security and squatting workshops, screen the green anarchist documentary EndCiv, and use the cooking facilities in the building for the benefit of local street homeless people.

In their work ‘An Introduction to Civil War’, the radical collective Tiqqun revokes the lie of government. The State does not mean order, but the continuation of civil war: the rich are waging war against the poor, fascists against immigrant and black communities, PCSOs and their byelaws against squatters and other homeless people.

The opening up of squats and other autonomous zones, such as this at 123 Pall Mall, blows a strike in favour of the oppressed. A.N.A.L. and S.H.A welcome you to the Institute of Dissidents.

… authority however dies hard and slowly, and so the former regime acts in the only way that is left to it, the only way that it can continue to display the semblance of order that serves to justify it: police driven eviction (or when the state police are no longer sufficient, private thugs or fascists).  The first occupation is brought to an end, but others follow …


London: Siege of Aylesbury estate security thugs against St James Square ANAL squat

April 12th, 2015

The squatter crew Autonomous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians (A.N.A.L.) have occupied a number of high profile buildings in central London in recent weeks. These have included the former Institute of Directors (corporate fatcat club) HQ, Admiralty Arch (state power icon due to be turned into hotel), and now 24 St James’ Square, a flash office building on one of London’s most expensive squares, empty for ten years. They have been getting big picture splashes in corporate media rags like the Evening Standard and Daily Mail.

On Friday evening (10 April) the St James’ Sq squat came under siege by a mini-army of security guards. The heavies used similar tactics to those seen recently on the Aylesbury Estate and other squat clashes recently: unable to retake the building, they forcibly block entrances and exits to lock down the occupation, keeping out supporters and supplies.

This tactic is not usually successful, as many times our side can mobilise bigger numbers to come down and break the siege. Several dozen people responded to a call for back-up from ANAL on Friday evening, and the security thugs were forced to back down, after a few scuffles.

Police also came along, and in this case didn’t give the security any support, but instead warned them for not displaying their SIA (Security Industry Authority) registration badges, as her majesty’s law demands.

A number of the security guards present on Friday are regulars from Southwark Council’s security operation at the Aylesbury Estate. As a matter of course they do not wear any company insignia or registration numbers. They have been repeatedly violent and offensive to occupiers, estate residents and passers by.

London: ANAL Belgravia squatters fight off fascist thugs

January 28th, 2017

Belgravia squatters the Autonomous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians (ANAL) report that they fought off an attack on the 28th from heavies wearing fascist-linked masks, who seem to have been trying to get them out of the mansion belonging to Russian billionaire Andrey Goncharenko that they squatted on Wednesday.

At the time of writing they are asking for more support to head down to 102 Eaton Square to provide solidarity and support for the occupiers. In a series of notes from their Twitter account, they said:

[The] fascists [have been] fought/scared off. Police liaised and content. We would still appreciate numbers here to display that we will resist … They smashed windows while children were in a peaceful occupation wearing fascist face-scarfs. [The] mansion [is] being secured from the inside after attack by fascists. Children [have been] moved upstairs. No reports of injuries.

ANAL are working to turn the Belgravia squat, in the heart of one of London’s poshest areas, into a homeless shelter for the cold weather. 25 people have been housed so far and there are plans to hold movie nights and other events at the venue. Goncharenko’s representatives, MCA Shipping Ltd, are seeking a possession order and a hearing is scheduled for January 31st.

London: Belgravia squatters occupy third mansion

February 22nd, 2017

Squatting collective the Autonomous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians (ANAL) continue to underline exactly how much high-end housing is lying empty while homeless people sleep on the rain-soaked concrete, having spent last night moving into another mansion.

The group wrote: “Facing a police enforced eviction at 4 Grovesnor Gardens, ANAL have decided to relocate AS CLOSE TO THE QUEENS BEDROOM as possible…. Overlooking Wellington barracks, introducing our new squat, 19 Buckingham Gate.”

19 Buckingham Gate, which is just yards away from Buckingham Palace’s gardens, is the third property in a row to have been taken on by the collective, which took over 108 Easton Square in January (where they fended off fascist attackers) and 4 Grosvenor Gardens in February.

The overall site, 18-19 Buckingham Gate, is currently being given a slightly gaudy-looking makeover by developer Simpson Haugh and Partners, with a view to turning it into 14 luxury apartments for the sort of people who can afford to pay (if it’s anything like the neighbours’ place) £2.5 million a pop for the chance to get a good view of the royal behind.
The developer lists the owner as “private,” however if it’s not “18-19 Buckingham Gate Investment Ltd” then coincidences abound.

If ANAL keep up their current rate of mansion occupations they could have collectively squatted in properties worth well over £100m by the end of the year.

… and the struggle continues …

(For further reflections on ANAL and the sociol-political context of their actions, see a piece posted on the site of Architects for Social Housing).


Video on ANAL actions …


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